Tables and Reviews - (2002-03-27, 7:32 a.m.)

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Well well well. The owner of R-e-v-i-e-w redid my review. I have to say that I appreciate her professionalism, and she wrote an entry in my guestbook saying that she was sorry. Thank you very much! :)

And thanks to Silver and Mari who left messages in the r-e-v-i-e-w guestbook stating that they thought my review was pretty horrid.

Silver, who are you? I'm just so curious!

I started some more seeds on Monday, did I mention that? I'll have to write about that on DirtDiva because nobody's been asking me questions lately.

I've been thinking about my design. I have all kinds of stuff that I want to add on my main page, and I've decided that the best way to do this is to add another column on the right hand side to match the one on the left and size them both down a bit so that everything still fits on the main page.

Unfortunately I can't find my copy of Dreamweaver, Hubby seems to have misplaced it! I tried a bit last night with just the edit html feature on d-land and was messing stuff up big time. So I will have to have some outside help or wait until he finds Dreamweaver and stumble through it that way. I understand tables and can do them, but the whole nesting thing goofs me up. I'm not sure that I'm adding all the stuff in where it is technically supposed to be, either.

I'll just have to study around online today and go through some more tutorials if I can find more, and play around a bit. I am still in love with my design as I think it fits my personality perfectly, but I want more space to add stuff, you know? I have a thing about wanting to include buttons for all the stuff that I'm involved with and I just don't have the room to do that right now. So a bit of a re-design is in order. :)

That's about all that's going on in my corner of the world, what's new with you?

Happy Wednesday!

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