Dreams and Complaints - (2002-03-25, 7:41 a.m.)

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Hmmm. I noticed a new idiot light in my car this morning. It says "Change Oil Soon." Appropriate I guess, as it's been exactly 2,500 miles since the last oil change.

What amazes me is that I actually had a dream about my drivers license last night. I dreamed that when I changed my state of residency from ND to MN when we moved back here from Northern VA that I failed my drivers test and had been driving all this time without a license! And of course I got pulled over. And the ND license was expired. In my dream it literally disintegrated in my hand when I pulled it out of my purse.

One of the odd things about this area of the country is that the taxes are so much lower in ND than they are in MN. So many people used to license their cars with the ND address if they worked in ND and then have a MN drivers license. Now they are cracking down on this with big back fines and heavy tax evasion charges! So needless to say I was a bit panicked when I woke up this morning.

Enough of that though.

I was reviewed by R-e-v-i-e-w and I don't think the reviewer took a real decent look at my site. First of all, she thought I had kids? I have no kids, just pets. And you can contact me by email, guestbook, slambook, guestmap, and notes. So many reviewers seem to miss that, and it kind of peeves me. I review too, and I try to be as thorough as possible. It usually takes me at least a half hour to review someone's diary. Am I out of line to request the same respect?

And yes, for God's sake, this is a custom design. NOT a template. And that's my cat Simon on top, Hubby took the picture and my designer Blaise filtered it.

I feel like Rodney Dangerfield. "I just can't get no respect!"

I'm going to go eat my peanut butter cookies now. I love my co-workers, they bring treats! :)

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