Interview TODAY! - (2001-11-27, 1:47 p.m.)

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Oohhh, in about one hour I will be meeting with my interviewer. I'm nervous. I've been kind of busy all day at work between working (??) checking my email and the Ladies World Domination and Book Club message board. I'm having so much fun with that.

Also been adding some of the things back on the left side of my beautiful fantastic wonderfully welcomed back template! Oh template I missed you! :) Yes, that is actually a picture of my kitty Simon. Hubby took that picture when he was goofing around with our digital camera. For more pictures, click here.

Thanks to Blaise for getting me back up and running again.

Back to work for now! Hopefully we will have the internet back up and running at our house again. Stupid Winproxy...

It's still snowing here. I can't believe that we have this much freaking snow. I wish that we could just have a little, but this storm system is just kind of sitting here and dropping all of it's ammunition on us. The roads are terrible.

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Missed These?

Hospital Stay for Dad
Long time, no write
Soul Sucker
What the F*(&^ is Fibromyalgia?