Interview tomorrow! - (2001-11-26, 9:37 p.m.)

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It's snowing outside. This storm that the weather forcasters were predicting for this weekend hit today, this afternoon around 2 PM. I hate driving on the icy roads I'm always convinced someone is going to hit me. Those close calls make me very nervous.

I think we have gotten about three inches, and they are getting much more than that south of us. I guess for our second snowstorm the 26th of November isn't to bad. It's been much warmer here than normal, and has set a few record highs over the last few days.

I have my interview tomorrow. Wish me luck! Since we don't have the money for me to go out and buy a new outfit (although the suggestion was lovely) I pulled a nice khaki colored sweater out of my closet and will pair it with soft brown pants and brown boots. I will look fantastically professional...and I'll be darned if I'll wear a dress suit when it's blowing snow all over outside! Frostbite hurts very badly.

I'm getting kind of nervous about the whole thing. This is of course the second interview at the Very Large Company. I soooo want to get this job. I'm just not challenged at work anymore and I'm bored. Oh I'm just all mixed up inside...think of me tomorrow between 3 and 5 CST, because I'll be trying to make a great impression and can use all the good vibes I can get! :)


Oh, and I hope to have my template back again soon. D'oh I sitll can't believe I deleted it, but I figured out what happened. Ugh.

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