Post-Inteveiw - (2001-11-28, 3:00 p.m.)

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Sorry to leave you all in suspense about the big event yesterday, but our stupid internet wasn't working. Starband, big surprise. I wish that we could have a cable modem like normal people. But then we would have to live in town and I'm just not willing to do that.

Anyway, it went very well. Apparently there I will be contacted again in about a week and they would let me know if I was moving on to the third and final interview.

The position starts in January some time, and I just cannot wait. If I get the position and if I have enough time to give my current place their notfication I may just take some time for myself at the end of December of beginning of January. I deserve it after working all these freaking holidays for the last year. That's what happens though when your account is 24/7. At least I work during the day...

It is still snowing here. I can't believe it. So cold out, but it's starting to melt a little bit. There have been so many car accidents, Hubby came home last night and was all excited because he actually saw one happen!

So hopefully I will have some more good news to share in about a week. :)

I need to go on a rant again here. Mouth breathing. I've discussed it before, but honestly WHY do people feel the need to make all these weird gross mouth noises when they are calling customer service??? Puff-puff-puff Choo-choo-choo Tsk-tsk-tsk Often times it is very loud in the ear of the person that you are relying on to help you and this is not going to make them want to help you...this is a not so subtle hint! Think about that.

That is all.

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