Pictures from Kansas - (2002-08-01, 11:33 a.m.)

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Okay, by popular demand, here are the pictures of me and Lbrty from Kansas. With my cute haircut, of course. :)

Aren't we just the cutest things??? That's me on the right, with Lbrty on the left. Taken in Mr. Lbrty's office. Prior to us going out for Girl's Night!

This is me and Baby Lbrty. Isn't she cute? I was trying to teach her to say "Sponge Bob" and singing the theme song to her. It's so cute, she runs around the house saying "Bob Bob!" now, and I think it's making her Daddy a bit crazy! :)

I probably won't have a chance to update again before I leave for Sturgis, so have a wonderful next week and a half! :)

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