Dave's Recovery - (2005-09-18, 8:52 a.m.)

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Life is going well for both of us. Dave is now "allowed" to be up and around, but he is taking it easy and I think it's finally hit him that this was kind of a major deal.

Besides a migraine yesterday, I've been doing well also. I swear, I think I need to change birth control methods or something, this hormonal migraine stuff just sucks in a huge way. Migraines are horrid. And the meds that I was given dope me out to the point where I can't function!

So we've been keeping it on the down low here at the D/K house. Dave has been doing a LOT of shopping online for Harley stuff for his new bike, and new riding stuff for himself. Chaps/non-sport-bike-jacket/gloves/saddlebags etc.

We had a huge windstorm 2 nights ago that blew most of the lawn furniture off the deck and the grill. Must have been a pretty hefty wind to blow the freaking huge grill off...that was kind of freaky. I looked out in time to watch it fly off into one of our juniper bushes.

Other than those few things, not much has been going on. I paid bills yesterday and am finally down to the last few lawyer payments for my divorce. My gosh, I figure that whole thing cost me plenty. Dave and I can have a nice long engagement, and then have kids right away after we're married. ;)

I'm getting boring, so I'm going to quit here.

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