Dave's Surgery Today - (2005-09-15, 10:17 p.m.)

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We are now both surgical recovery kids. :)

Dave had his surgery this morning, and despite some *ahem* complications, he's back sitting in that lovely LaZBoy recliner and I've managed to keep the computer away from him (for the most part).

He could pick one person to go with him to the surgery.

His Mom volunteered herself.

His Dad asked him if he could go.

(this is so cute)

He picked my Mom. So she went, and the did what doctors do, and sent him home with instructions for bed rest for 48 hours minimum. Like I said, there were complications.

In basic terms, Dave ruptured a disc in his spine and all the "filling" (think jelly doughnut) leaked out into his spinal column and there was a piece of cartilage that broke loose and was pinching a nerve.

After the surgery today the doctor came out and spoke to Mom and told her that he couldn't believe that Dave was still even walking because the cartilage that he took out of his spine was the size of a marble. Gross. The nerve is all swelled up also, so that's going to take a while to heal up too. The doctor fixed the leak with something called a blood patch, which I just didn't need to know more about, but Dave should be okay as long as he's not moving around for 2 days and then is taking it really easy for at least a week. For example...only 1/2 days at work. His boss is going to have a shit fit, but that's okay because she's caused it herself - long story.

But anyhow.

My recovery is going well also. Took my steri-strips off on Wednesday, which was kind of gross, and have been keeping a pressure bandage all the way from toes to 1/2 way up my thigh on when I'm up and around. I take it off and wrap an ace bandage around it to sleep because that's more comfortable.

Dave is still groggy from the anesthesia, but he's doing better too. I guess he has some pretty strong painkillers, and not knowing a lot about painkillers, they're knocking him out, so they would probably kill me. ;)

His Dad is coming to "baby-sit" him tomorrow morning, so thank goodness I fianlly feel up to cleaning/picking up the house as it was kind of a pit from the last week and a half that I wasn't up to doing much of anything.

I had better go get him off of the computer, I can hear him typing. :)

Oh, and Jelleh, you are welcome to come sit on the monster deck, we can compare insomnia notes and yell at kids to get off the lawn. LOL Or at least, we could if I had neighbors. :)

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