Seeking Peace - (2004-03-20, 9:27 a.m.)

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I'm doing surprisingly okay. After a lot of tears and anger, I'm okay.

I even stayed home last night and would plan to do the rest of the weekend right here in Mom and Dad's house as well.

Somehow there is a lot less stress for me when he's not around and I'm not either a. waiting for him to come home or b. trying to tiptoe around the house when he is.

Being as though he's moving out next week, I think that I'm going to ask him to do so as soon as he can as it's better for me here by myself. It's easier for me to meet my daily therapy goals without him around and I'm a lot more at peace.

I love him - don't get me wrong, it's just that I think he's right, maybe we do need to be apart. Until he decides what he wants. Then I think that I will be able to deal with whatever decision it is that he chooses.

Last night I dragged Mom's vacuum over to my house to vacuum up all the carpeting pieces that the carpet installers should have...because they broke my vacuum. Bastards! I rearranged what furniture I could move by myself and got some stuff under control.

I should try to clean Mom's house today, but I'll see how far I get. I should also keep working on my own house as well, but I think that I may just take it easy. Watch some TV, movies maybe, do some reading and try to just be at peace with myself, and the dogs and cats.

Because that's what I really need to do right now, is just seek some peace. That is my first step.

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