The 40 lb. Bag - (2003-03-27, 5:53 p.m.)

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What a day.

She called me this morning and told me that her hubby is in the hospital in the ICU unit. Apparently he's having chest pain and breathing problems. His Dad had some horrible disease (that I'm not going into because I don't know if she wants me to talk about it or not) and the doctors think that he might be showing symptoms of developing the same thing.

His Dad died when he was a young man. I hope to God that their daughter isn't going to have to go through the same thing.

I want to be there for them so badly, but I don't know what good my presence would do. *sigh*

Got an email from J****'s wife, and she let me know that he's just fine, he's in Kuwait and is awaiting orders on where he's going to be going. I think we all have a pretty good idea where he's going to be going, but so far so good.

Why does everything have to happen at once? It seems most days lately that I'm trying to shove 80 lbs. of shit into a 40 lb. bag. Seriously. At work and at home, most days that's what I feel like.

Someday I just want to have to try to shove 30 lbs. in that bag, or even the 40 that would fill it up!

That's a mighty big bag to be lugging around.

In happy news, I finished her design, and she just loves it! I'm happy with how it turned out too. It suits her, and it's so incredibly cute!

Happy Thursday. :)

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