Scrapbooking and Being an Auntie - (2003-01-16, 8:38 a.m.)

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I'm still floating with regards to the news from yesterday. I'm so excited to be an auntie, and I really hope that I'm going to be able to be there with her when she has the baby. I need to check into getting some "space available" tickets on United Airlines. Generally I can get them for $75, and I need to check and see if they in fact fly from where I live to Kansas City. And then figure out if someone's going to be able to pick me up from the airport when the time comes! Obviously when she goes into labor I'm going to need to get down there quickly!!!

*subject change*

Work is coming along fabulously with our heritage scrapbook. It's so pretty and we're collecting lots of wonderful information and our pages are turning out beautifully. There are some things that we're going to go back and change, but nothing really major. We've been learning as we go, so we wanted to apply some of our new ideas to the original pages that we had done. It shouldn't take long, just that some time needs to be invested into going backwards.

I have to clean house today when I get home from work, and I'm really not looking forward to it. I've come to hate dusting and cleaning in the bathrooms and in the kitchen as sometimes my efforts seem to be futile. Chester-cat of course loves to be in the bathroom--don't ask me why--and he loves to go in there especially after we've had the water running with his muddy feet. I can't count the number of times that I've had to wash and rewash the bathroom rugs as they get kitty footyprints on them, which of course then are tracked all the way down the hall on my light tan carpeting.

Thank goodness I have a great carpet cleaner! And having a nice vacuum always helps to get out those paw prints, but the carpet cleaner really does a much better job.

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the scrapbooking class that we're all attending on Saturday. I wanted to get started on some pictures for Hubby and I from when we lived in Washington DC. I have a ton of pictures, but I have even more from my computer that need to be printed out. And since my doggone scanner isn't working, that means that I'm going to have to go over to Mom's house, scan the pictures, print them out and go from there. That just seems like an awful lot of work that I wish I could avoid.

Oh well.

That's it for today, I have to get back on task as my break is over.

Happy Thursday!

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