The Homer Stomp - (2002-06-28, 10:34 a.m.)

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So many things to do, so little time. And I'm crabby.

I can't find a necklace that Hubby gave me for our anniversary. It's a black pearl set in white gold with diamonds. It's really making me worried.

All this on the morning that he leaves, and I wasn't very nice to him this morning. I think I'm just crabby because of work stress. I'm not sure. But I was pretty indifferent to the fact that he's going to be gone for two days and I think that hurt his feelings a bit.

I was also thinking about some bad stuff that happened when we lived out in Quantico this morning, and I know that I need to just let it go, but sometimes it still comes back to haunt me. I hate that feeling.

Plus I'm craving chocolate covered potato chips. The ideal PMS food. You get your salty, you get your sweet, and you get your crunchy cravings satiated too. What a wonderful food.

So yes. Work stress. The fact that I wanted to work 4/10s and I'm working 5/9 and a halfs. Yeah, good checks, but whoooooo. I'm tired.

And of course Homer-cat was doing his old Homer-stomp on my head last night. When he wants attention he walks over and over and over my head, getting stuck in my hair and waking me up to pet him. What a geek. But he certainly does get my attention.

I should spend some quality time with him this evening, and maybe he'll let me get a decent night's sleep!

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