Quick update - (2002-04-30, 7:48 a.m.)

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I know, I know. I didn't update yesterday. There have been so many cool things going on that I really need some time to sit down and go over all of them in my head.

Plus, I hope to have even more wonderful news on the job front, besides the fact that of course they fed us little gourmet sandwiches, chocolates, cheesecake bites and gourmet cupcakes yesterday. And the champagne, can't forget about the champagne. :) Yes, we are being treated well by travelwebsite.com, and apparently they have moved up in the market to be the number 2 travel website as far as volume goes. :D

Yes, things are going well at work, and at home as well. It was my Mom's birthday yesterday, so instead of coming here to update I went over and hung out with her. She's enjoying the Maxine magnets that we got for her, she's a Maxine junkie and I can't believe that I found something that she didn't have!

So yes, much news, but not time right now to update on it to much.

Hopefully I'll be hearing about that QA job today.

Maybe they'll even feed us more cheesecake bites! The diet went down the tubes yesterday, but when someone is offering cheesecake and champagne, do you expect me to be made of stone??? Mmmmm.

So yes, another update coming about the first day on the job, and more info on what's been going on in Katress land.

Of course, I also hope to be able to share happy promotion news too, so keep those fingers crossed!

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