Bathroom Animals - (2002-03-22, 11:58 a.m.)

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Am I the only one that has pets that has noticed that it's impossible to use the bathroom by yourself?

Not necessarily using the toilet, but anything in the bathroom. Apparently my cats and dog feel that I need moral support--the more the better.

For example in the morning when I'm getting ready for work, putting make up on and blow drying my hair, it is a house rule that I have at least one cat (two if possible) and the dog must check up on me several times. Simon loves to go sit on top of the cabinets that I have in the bathroom even though it's to high for him to leap up on. I scoot him up there so he'll stop crying and whining. homer of course just does figure eights around my feet.

Taking a shower is also something else that requires moral support. Usually if the door isn't latched, the dog will come in several times just to make sure that either myself or Hubby is managing okay without a tonguewash on the face.

When we lived in VA, we cat-sat for some friends of ours and I'll be darned if their little cat Xylon didn't take a shower with me. Literally. He would sit in the end of the bathtub that wasn't getting to terribly wet and just play in the water that accumulated around the bath mat. He was terribly amusing, and Hubby wondered the first time he heard me laughing like a maniac from the shower. That little stinker loved water, and from what I understand he still does. He takes baths with their son who is two.

We usually have to have one cat in the bathroom when the shower is on too. Sitting on the counter or on the toilet cover is apparently the best place to sit if you want to know what's going on by cat standards.

I wonder about my animals. It seems that they feel the need to be involved in every step of our lives. But then, would I really have it any other way? Of course not. I'm getting used to having to share the bathroom.

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