Reviews - (2002-03-15, 8:21 a.m.)

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Guess who was asked to join the team at Rogue Reviews? ME! I have great respect for all the reviewers there, as their sites are not only great to look at, but interesting with regards to content as well. :) And they asked ME!

I already review for DreamReviews but lately I feel as though I'm the only one that is really actively reviewing. That's not a great position for me to be in as I'm not the one that started the site in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, it used to be one of my favorite review sites, but it's just kind of fallen into neglect. They've been closed to new applicants for weeks. And that just doesn't bode well for a review site. It makes it look bad, and I'm just not sure that I want to be a part of that anymore.

So at any rate, I'm excited to be asked to be a reviewer at RogueReviews. I like how they've put the site together and I like that they really get into the review rather than just poking around here and there in a site. I got some criticism for doing that at DreamReviews from people that were being reviewed, as the rules are more lax than those of RogueReviews.

The thing is, if your site stinks, I'm going to be honest in my review and tell you that. If it's wonderful, I'll also tell you. If your grammar sucks or your spelling scares me, that's a big no-no. Maybe I'm an English freak or something, but I can say for sure that by the time I was done with college I had the ability to write a ten page paper in two nights, go out and have a few beers each night and still get an A. :) I miss college.

Anyhow, they forgot to turn on our phones until now, so I had better get going. People need help because they can't help themselves, you know?

And what's up with just a few guestbook signings over the past few days? You make me think nobody loves me anymore. *snif* Just kidding. :)

Have a great weekend!

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