Septic System Problems - (2001-11-04, 7:50 p.m.)

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Isn't that cute? This is Xena, my only girl-cat. She was watching me as I was working on the computer a few days ago, hiding behind the plant as usual. She's kind of a stealth kitty. :)

Today we started to have septic system problems. Oh, the joys of being a homeowner! Ugh. It cost about $6,000 to have a septic system put in last fall, and already it malfunctions. I guess a pump wasn't working, so last night as Hubby took a shower the other bathroom backed up in the tub and toilet. Yummy! At least it was shower water and not sewage or something.

The installer from last year came out today (a Sunday!) and replaced the pump for free. It wasn't under warranty by about 2 weeks, but he said that he would still cover it. Six would expect something that expensive to hold up a little longer than a year! Oh well, it's all taken care of so I can go have a shower.

Still looking for suggestions on the best source to download music. I'm going to go check out all the suggestions and go from there. Thanks for those of you that have already made suggestions.

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