Teacher from Hell - (2001-10-30, 5:42 p.m.)

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I had a customer that really made me angry today. Not just aggravated, I mean really honestly pissed off.

This lady was a teacher. She told me that she had spent her whole morning trying to book her ticket on our website. You could hear the television playing in the background entertaining the children that she was supposed to be teaching. Throughout our conversation I heard excerpts of Sesame Street and other PBS shows. Yes, the good old idiot box for the kids. We were on the phone together for about an hour. I can see why she wasn't able to book online. She was so freakin' stupid I was hitting my forehead when I was on the phone with her, and my boss listened, and just couldn't believe it.

The thing that really pisses me off isn't that she was having problems online. I happen to think that our site isn't all that difficult, but the fact that she was taking time away from the kids that she was there to be teaching. And she was so STUPID! Maybe those kids are better off without her influence. When I have kids though, if I EVER found out that their teacher was doing shit like that lady today, I would do my best to have her SACKED IMMEDIATELY!

The conversation started out with "my kids are being good, I've been at this for an hour and a half." Um, okay maybe it's time to actually do your damned job lady, teach the kids!

She actually said about thirty (yes as in 3-0) minutes into the call when I finally got her creating her traveler's profile account "I have the hardest time with my state." Okay, so you forget where the hell you live, or do you not know the state code. ???

She couldn't enter in her email address...it went something like smith@publicschools <--note the no .com, .net or anything. DUH! And then she was putting the @ symbol in her login name. Um, dumbass that is not going to work.

This lady was totally incapable of following directions, had no concept of how to listen and was just impossible to work with. After fifty five (yes, as in 5-5) minutes, I finally told her in exasperation "Ma'am, there is nothing more that I can do for you. You either need to get some help in person, or call General Reservations to book your tickets. I am NOT able to continue to walk you through the website for the fifth time."

Here I bet you that the kids that she was teaching were smarter than she was, and I know that kids can follow instructions better than she could.

Students and parents of the Monroe Local School District in Columbus, OH (<--note that I got the state code correct!) beware, this teacher is not doing her job...

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