......... - (2003-01-23, 8:58 a.m.)

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Back at work. I wasn't here yesterday as I spent a good part of the day in the ER with my best friend.

Remember how I said that I'm going to be an Auntie again? Now I'm not. She was about 1 1/2 months along, and something apparently wasn't right as she isn't pregnant anymore. It is very tough for all of us as we were all looking forward to another little M***** baby.

I just don't even want to be awake right now, it would be all that much easier to have simply pulled the covers up over my head this morning and not gone anywhere all day but the bathroom and the living room.

So now I'm all upset, numb and PMSing. That's just not a wonderful combination. Throw a sore throat in there and you've got Katress right now.

I'm really wanting some chocolate too. And I have none. I shouldn't have any, but eh.

I just don't have all that much else to say right now.

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