Blah - (2003-01-27, 9:04 a.m.)

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I'm still here.

Just haven't had all that much to say. I'm feeling better about everything, I'm just tired and stressed out.

PMS and stress are not pretty when they come all together.

We'll just say that I had a piece of French Silk pie and ice cream for supper on Saturday. :) It was awfully good, even if I really shouldn't have eaten it.

I didn't accomplish enough this weekend, but then again maybe I set my goals to high. I wanted to get some stuff scanned for Hubby's Marine Corps scrapbook, but it didn't happen.

Instead I found out that the image host that I've been using for my design site is going to be a pay service pretty quick, so I spent a lot of time transferring images and pages over to my new host.

I'm pretty impressed with my new host. They provide 20 Meg for free, and their pay plans are inexpensive and give you even MORE space!

That's about it. I need to get back to work.

Blah. I just feel all blah today.

last - next

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