Good and Bad - (2003-01-21, 5:15 p.m.)

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It's been a tough day. One of those that's both good and bad all at once.

There are sun dogs around the sun outside. Know what that means? It's going to be super cold tomorrow! If you haven't ever seen them, sun dogs are quite pretty. They appear as chunks of rainbow around the sun, one on the left and one on the right. It's just the sun reflecting off the ice crystals in the upper atmosphere, but that means it's going to be time for long underwear at night. I'm not sure--it may just be something that we get up North. Of course we get the Northern Lights too, which are wonderfully spectacular if you haven't ever seen them. They're amazing. The sky just glows and dances in all these different colors and they look like they're alive! Green is the most common, but I've seen blue and white too.

Anyhow...there are several members of my account that have been called up to deploy overseas as a result of the troop build up. It's tough for those guys to be leaving, and I totally feel for them. I spoke to one of the girlfriends today and she was just in tears. I felt so badly for her, and I remember with great detail about how it felt to be the one that was left behind all the time. It's not easy for the military person, but it's tough for their families and loved ones too. My heart just went out to her. I told her that if she ever needed to talk to just let me know. Poor thing, and I don't mean that as any sort of pity. I know it's tough.

So that's it. A good and bad day all at once. Sometimes that just makes one feel strange though, you know? At least it's providing lots of food for thought for the evening.

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