Visitors! - (2003-01-20, 3:00 p.m.)

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I have to work the evening shift this week, and I just wish that I could work the middle or early shift like normal, as Denise and her family are here. Her daughter just melts my heart!!! She's such a sweetie.

When I left for work this afternoon she cried "NO! Nanny, no leave!" I felt so badly.

By the time I got out of the driveway and looked in my rear view mirror, there was Daisy dog, running full out behind my car. So of course I had to stop in the middle of the highway and put her in the back seat, and drive her back to the house. Denise had opened the door and said that she had hollered at Daisy, but Daisy saw my car leaving and she was not going to be distracted! What a goofy dog.

We've been having a nice relaxing time. We've been scrapbooking and just hanging out in general. Terry should be back from Bismarck by tonight so we'll have another whole week with them. I love it when they come and visit! It's lots of fun for everybody involved. I just wish that they lived closer.

That's about all that's been going on. Just a nice relaxing weekend and fun with the 2 year old. :) I just love her.

Happy Monday!

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