Sweaters, Weight Loss and Me - (2003-01-17, 8:52 a.m.)

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I got the good majority of my house cleaned up last night. I scrubbed, dusted and polished. I vacuumed, washed blankets and banished pet hair. I need to clean my carpets, but eh. Just not enough hours in the day sometimes.

I was going to sleep in this morning as I have no meetings scheduled for today, but at 5 AM I found myself awake with little to no chance of falling back asleep. So I got to work early, but I'll be done today at 1:15 PM. Otherwise the evil overtime fairy will come and get me.

I wish that I could have overtime again, but it's not in the cards. Not right now at least. We're possibly looking at getting a huge bonus from our client, but we have to reduce our phone handle time to 5:30 per call in order to get the bucks. It's a chunk, and we've been working really hard with agents to make sure that they have the resources and skills that they need to decrease handle time. Month to date we're all at 5:42 between the two offices, so we're close. I hope that we can do it!!!

I went to Wal-Mart last night and did some shopping. Bought some new plants--three african violets, an ivy and something that I'm not sure of the name. They had these cute little navy blue pots, so how could I resist? My kitchen is navy blue and cream, and my living room is hunter green and navy, so I "had" to do it. Heh. Besides some groceries and a new chenille sweater I spent way to much. Of course.

Have I discussed what a sweater addict I am? I have around 25 sweaters and I just keep buying more. I love each and every one of them. I'm a sweater junkie. And with 7 months of sweater weather around here it's worth it.

Of course, I've collected sweaters for like 6 years, but I still have a lot of them. I've even wore some of them out and should get rid of them, but I just can't make myself do it.

So I'm wearing a new silver sweater today. I love it--and my office is kind of cool, so it's appropriate.

I've also lost a total of 7 pounds since January 1. I don't know if it's finally the fact that I'm getting Zoloft out of my system or all the excersise that I'm doing, but whatever it is it seems to be working. Yay! Finally...

Have a wonderful weekend!

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