Big Bed - (2002-12-21, 1:09 p.m.)

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Being as though Hubby and my Dad left yesterday for the Vikings game in Minneapolis, that left me, Daisy and the kitties with that big bed all to ourselves last night. I haven't slept alone for quite awhile, but I must admit it was kind of nice to be able to stretch out. :)

They should be back later tonight, but last night I got to be all girly. My Mom is my best friend. I don't know a lot of people that can say that. So we watched movies and ate popcorn in front of the fireplace. How very cozy, considering that it's been snowing here for three days non-stop! I also got some phone time in last night finally, and I feel badly because I haven't been up to much talking lately.

I'm feeling better today again, like I have more energy and not so dizzy and off balance. That's a good thing. :)

I was working on another design for my design site but it wasn't working, so I had to scrap the whole thing. *sigh* It would have been really cute, too! Oh well. I still have some other good ideas. :) I only have one more custom to complete, but I'm truly not sure where to even start with it! I'll probably do something simple, and hope that the person that requested it likes it. She hasn't given me a whole lot of input on it. *sigh* I hate that!

I did this design that took me forever with little direction from the person that wanted it. She just sent me a picture and said "go for it." So I did, and she didn't like it. Wanted me to change the colors and the brushes around. I said uh-UH! She didn't give me any ideas, so I made my interpretation of what I thought would look good and if she didn't like it, I wasn't going to do those dumb brushes all over again. I just felt taken advantage of. Maybe I should post a wish-list? Right now I don't ask for anything, but maybe I should. I've done several designs for people that have never contacted me back, and that peeves me too.


So anyhow, I should get going on more laundry and the Christmas cards. I may just send them out around New Years and call them "Holiday cards" because I'm so late with them! Oh well.

Have a relaxing Saturday!

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