A verdict? - (2002-12-20, 12:01 p.m.)

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Well Ladies and Gentleman, the verdict is in.

Because I got so sick with the flu, my doc thinks that it knocked my body chemistry out of whack a bit. So my body wasn't reacting to the Zoloft well.

Of course, this means that I have to play with my chemical concoction again, and I'm now at 50 mg Zoloft and 75 mg of Effexor. He said the Effexor may make me a bit excitable, so we'll have to see what happens.

As for all the bloodwork that I had done, apparently metabolically I'm 100% normal, which is great. It feels so good to me to be "normal" at something. My thyroid is totally within range, but we did talk a bit about diet and excersise. He said that my ideal body weight is around 150 lbs. I guess I used to be seriously underweight, that's why I was thinking that I had to lose so much! But in reality, it's not a lot at all. Maybe about 25 lbs.

I had acupuncture done again, and my doc said that my body is in the process of leveling itself out inside. Apparently the acupuncture is really helping, as I fell tons better than I did yesterday.

All I really want is to feel normal again.

On a completely separate note, it appears that there must have been a party for the animals here last night, as this morning I've cleaned up about 7 piles of vomit.

Well, either that or someone has hairballs again.

I already have to bring poor Chester into the vet this afternoon--his eye is shut and we think it's infected as it's not looking real healthy. So into the kitty doctor he goes! We can't afford it, but he needs it.

I'm going to get going, I still need to fold laundry and stuff. Eh.

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