Still...well, you know. - (2002-12-13, 11:08 a.m.)

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Still at home, still sick. I've missed five days worth of work over the past two weeks. At least I know that I'm not the only one.

I'm starting to think that I could get into the Guiness book of world records with the phlegm balls that my body is producing. I have to admit, they are impressive. In a gross disgusting sort of way.

I've also made an appointment with my doctor regarding weight gain. There's something wrong if I'm excersising and watching what I eat every day--and monitoring it. I burn more calories than I eat every single day, yet I'm still gaining weight. My family has a history of thyroid problems, but every time I am tested for that, the results say that my thyroid is working just fine. What's up with that? There's got to be something else wrong.

My house is a disaster as I haven't been feeling well enough to clean or pick up. I need to vacuum, wash my bedding as the dog and cats have been bringing mud in the house, and of course the cats feel they MUST pick out their muddy paws onto my bed...I guess it's another way of them telling me that they love me or something. I have dishes to wash, clothes laundry to do and absolutely zero ambition to accomplish any of the above. Not to mention feeding myself. I'm totally not hungry. So I'm basically not eating, and still gaining weight. WTF?

Anyhow, I'm going back to bed. That seems to be where I spend the majority of my time lately.

Here's wishing that your Friday is going better than mine!!!

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