Broken Fever - (2002-12-14, 8:23 p.m.)

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My fever finally broke this morning about 11 AM. It's 40 degrees outside, and I was out there sitting in my t-shirt and shorts and still sweating!

So I am finally feeling somewhat better. I had a migraine last night that just wouldn't quit. I was just hurting so badly I didn't know what I was going to do with myself. I went over to Mom and Dad's and just crashed. Dad rubbed my back and I got an ice pack on my neck, and just fell asleep on their bed.

Somehow Dad's touch is just soothing. Very relaxing and it was like it was sucking the pain right out of my body. He's great for that.

There's not much else going on lately, so I'm not going to write anymore for today. I'm just happy I'm starting to feel better!!!

Sometime I have to get those Christmas cards out too. Maybe I'll start on them tomorrow. :)

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