Empty Home - (2002-12-10, 1:17 p.m.)

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Today is a rather melancholy day. My friends left this morning, and I'm missing them already.

I'm still at home as I have training this afternoon and evening, a leadership seminar. Part 2, actually.

Anyhow, back to the topic at hand. My house feels empty, and there's no little girl toys around all over the place. There's nobody else home. It's so quiet, except for the occasional Daisy-doggie-grunt. I think she misses them too.

I cried when they left. I always do. Every time. I hate feeling sorry for myself like that, but I miss them so much.

With their daughter growing up, even though the last time that I saw them was this July, she's changed so much! She's talking even more, and she's comprehending everything you tell her. We slid down the stairs last night on our butts. She laughed and laughed, and she giggles when Daisy licks her on the face and hands. She's a happy little thing, and I miss her giggles and her happy little chirping around the house.

My sister friend, what can I explain about her that can be put into words? The whole M***** clan has been adopted into my family, and it's just fantastic. I would do anything for them.

I've been campaigning to have them move up here. :) The housing in the small town where I live is very affordable, and Denise could get a job where I work easily. When they start hiring, that is. Rumor has it around the office that something big is coming in. I know what it is, even though I'm not supposed to. Probably into our office and another out in the Western part of the state. So that's a definite selling point!

So yes, my house is quiet.

And I don't like it that way at all.

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