Christmas Shopping and no $$ - (2002-12-09, 8:21 a.m.)

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So, Denise, her daughter and I managed to get the Christmas Tree decorated last night. I'm so happy that she and her family are here to spend time with us. I just wish that I didn't feel so stuffy!

My living room is so pretty with all these Christmas lights all over the place, and I even hung lights up in the office, which faces the highway. That with the lights along the roofline of our house, I think all in all makes it appear pretty Christmasy.

Now, just to get all that shopping done with! That's another story entirely. I don't have that many people to buy gifts for, but did I mention that I got shorted two days pay on my last check?

Someone forgot that I took vacation to go to Kansas City and I didn't get paid for it. So as you can imagine, I was a little peeved about that. I e-mailed the person in our office that's in charge of payroll, and finally got an answer back that the two days that I missed will appear on my next check. Unfortunately, that leaves me very short on funds and even less time to finish my Christmas shopping.

And I haven't even started my Christmas cards for this year! I should get to work on that sometime this week. Eek! It's all going so fast that some days I have problems keeping up with anything!

This weekend was very relaxing. We just spent some time vegging and watching movies, and obviously I did a little re-design here. You like? Tell me! :)

Well, in lieu of anything else random to say, I'm going to end here. Hopefully I get some time to get all the custom requests done that I haven't had the time to do soon.

Happy Monday!

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