Alone Time? - (2002-11-27, 11:21 a.m.)

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So. We're leaving this afternoon for Kansas City. I'm so excited to see my friends!!! Their daughter is talking now, and she's "left me messages" on my phone before. What a little cutie!

We're bringing the camera, so expect pictures. :) Also, I get to meet her!

Other than those things, I've been downloading fonts from here which is the best comprehensive site that I've found for all kinds of stuff. If you design, you MUST check it out! That brings me to another question...does anyone have any suggestions on a good font manager program? Suggestions are much appreciated.

Okay, subject change...

Did you know that I'm not allowed to be in a room by myself? Well, according to my pets it is. God forbid that I try to go to the bathroom. I might need help flushing, or worse, end up flushing myself down the toilet never to be seen or heard from again.

On occasion I have not just one or two animals in my bathroom with me, but three or four!

Apparently they don't think that I'm responsible enough to take care of bathroom activities myself.

And then of course, there's the times when I'm doing girly stuff (make up, fixing hair etc.) and I'm not allowed to do that unsupervised either. Preferrably I get a furry butt on one of my feet, making sure that I don't blow myself away with the hair dryer. I guess my pets think that they're my anchors in that situation.

Daisy follows me everywhere I go. If I'm in the laundry room, she's in the laundry room. If I'm in the living room, she's in the living room. Can you see where this would get a little frustrating? Sometimes I feel that I can't take a step backwards without stepping on a furry foot!

But my life would be so dull without my furry babies. My four cats and a pup.

But of course, none of them are spoiled at all.

Yeah, right.

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