The Saga of Jeans - (2002-11-26, 8:14 a.m.)

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So, after several stores yesterday afternoon, the quest for new jeans ended successfully.

And they were on sale! That just makes it better, right?

So I am the new owner of two super soft stretchy denim Levi's boot cut something-or-others.

I didn't realize that there were that many different selections to make when one purchases jeans. Relaxed, tapered, straight leg, boot cut, flare. And then of course you have Regular, Short and Tall. Not to mention stonewashed, faded, indigo, and all kinds of other words that mean blue. Remember too, at least with Levi's you have to choose between all those different numbers. 501s, 550s, 517s, etc. Wow. I haven't shopped for jeans in so long that I had forgotten just how confusing it can be!

Of course I headed over to the junior's section first. I'm still young, right? But I'm not a size three. So nothing over there was even worth trying to fit my JLo butt and expanding tummy into. Which is kind of depressing.

Is it me, or have teens gotten slimmer and slimmer? My gosh, the only people that can fit into that stuff must be able to turn sideways and disappear! I can't fathom having thighs the size of my biceps. But apparently some people that are as tall as I am (5'7") are needing sizes like that. *cough*

I'm not overly large. Yeah, I would love to lose 25 lbs. so that I could fit into size 7/8 again, but realistically I don't see it happening. Ever.

So needless to say, I marched myself over to the "Reality Zone" otherwise known as "Misses" and started trying on jeans. My mind is still thinking I can fit into all these itsy bitsy clothes like I did in college, and my body is asking me "you don't really want to have to lay on the stairs to get those on, do you? Or what about trying to sit down? You're never going to be able to sit down if you wear these."

So I'm accepting the fact that I'm now a size 13/14. Things could be worse. Of course Hubby bringing home those Krispy Kremes by the dozen doesn't help either.

Now I truly need to get that gym membership. :)

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