Uh oh... - (2002-12-02, 7:02 a.m.)

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Whew! What a weekend! Kansas City was wonderful, and I got to meet her. She's such a sweetie, and we had a wonderful time. I'm kind of jealous as Denise and she live pretty close to each other, and they're going to be able to see each other regularly, and I'm all the way up here...9 hours North. Oh well.

Unfortunately, I'm in the process of getting sick I think. My throat hurts and I'm all stuffed up. I also have that "sick taste" thing in the back of my throat. Not a good sign. I'm NOT going to get sick! Maybe if I keep telling myself that and sucking on cough drops it will come true. Yeah, I doubt it, but it's worth a shot, right?

I have gotten the first Christmas shopping done as well. Just a couple of gifts for the family, nothing major. But it's a start. I wrapped the first four last night, so when we're able to get our Christmas tree put up we'll have something to put under it! This is the first time that I've had the gifts wrapped (at least the first couple) and no tree to put them under. LOL

Oh, I'm so tired. And stuffy. This is not good at all.

I just don't really have much going on in my head at the moment, so instead of keeping putting down boring stuff, I'm going to end here.

Happy Monday!

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