Vacation, Ripped Jeans and Misc. - (2002-11-25, 9:49 a.m.)

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So, Hubby is doing okay after the accident. His neck still hurts, but he's okay. And the car...well it's going to need a new bumper and paint job on the rear. Of course, we have the facilities to do this, so if we go get an estimate and fix it ourselves, we may be able to have a bit of extra money for Christmas! The guy that we're going to go have the estimate done through actually is a family friend. Well, kind of. Hubby and my Dad do some stainless steel work for him on a regular basis. Anyhow, I'm not going to go into detail on that, it's enough to say that this guy could owe Hubby a favor. :D

Work is awfully busy today. Of course with Thanksgiving travel coming up it's not a surprise at all. Most of the flights are sold out anyhow except for first class. Heh. No reaccomodation for you!

My back is hurting me today. Just thought I would throw that in here, even though it doesn't have much to do with anything.

Getting excited about going to Kansas City for Thanksgiving. We're staying with her and going to meet Hillary for lunch if everything works out. Never met another diarylander besides her, and I was so thankful that she's exactly the same in person as she is in her site. Such a sweetie. So I have a lot to look forward to later this week.

I ripped two pairs of jeans in the last week. *sigh* This means that I only have one pair that fits my fat ass right now. Yuck. The second pair (my favorite) gave in the knee just this morning. I knew they were getting thin, but I figured I had a few weeks in them left at least! Time to hit ebay again, as you can't buy Baby Phat jeans around here.

I'm rambling today. I'm going to stop now.

Happy Monday!

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