Hubby got in an Accident - (2002-11-23, 11:24 a.m.)

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Hubby was in an accident last night. I was working at the jewelery store and he stopped by and told me that he had been rear-ended. The damage wasn't that bad, the young guy (isn't it always?) behind him "Just didn't stop fast enough." Freaking duh...

So as a result his bumper is cracking and he has whiplash. He was so sore yesterday and nauseated I guess.

At least this young guy was insured. I've been hit before and the driver wasn't insured. It cost me about $3,000 as I didn't have full coverage at that point. I couldn't sue her as she was 16 and apparently in Minnesota that means that you're not responsible for your own actions yet, but neither are your parents.

Just about everything that could have gone wrong with that did. She was 16 (as I mentioned) at 2:30 on a school day, no license, no insurance, improperly registered, and it wasn't her car. Then she left the scene of the accident. Geez God, did you miss anything there?

Hubby is sore, but seems to be better. He's still nauseated, but hopefully that will pass. He already went to the chiropractor this morning, and I guess Dr. John said that he's pretty tense...and wants to see him again on Monday. So thank goodness once again for that kid's insurance.

I should go eat lunch and then I have to go to work. Such a busy day!

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