My Parents Still Surprise Me - (2002-11-22, 6:37 a.m.)

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So, things have been a bit busy. But last night Hubby and I managed to spend some quality time together, watching a little TV and snuggling on the couch. We don't get to do that nearly enough, and it was nice not to worry about anything for the evening. :)

I work again tonight and all day tomorrow at the jewelery store. So that should definitely keep me busy. But of course I don't mind being around all that pretty stuff for hours at a time! The only thing that I don't like is that sometimes my feet and back get sore from standing all the time.

I've been working on some new designs, here, here and here. I have some great ideas for regular designs too, but just haven't had the time to create them! But it seems to me that it takes me more time to come up with designs than it does to actually create them.

Mom and Dad left for New Mexico yesterday morning--they're spending Thanksgiving with my Uncle. It seems so quiet around our property with them gone. Now that Dad's retired, someone is usually around all the time.

Speaking of him retiring, did I mention that he bought a truck? Yes, he did. My Dad just cracks me up. He builds cars and boats and motorcycles for fun (can you say "Type A Personality?") so I was always expecting when he retired that he would get a newer/new truck. Well, he brought home a '95 GMC "Work Truck" with a quarter million miles on it. Super beat up and scratched all over. He said that he used the power washer to clean out the inside...and then took his professional buffer and buffed out the entire paint job. So now it's shiny with all these scratches. LOL Not at all what I had expected! I kept thinking he was going to get a big old Ford or Dodge or something, and he comes home with a stripped down work truck. :)

Even after 27 years, my parents still surprise me on occasion. Heh.

Update: We had massages at work today. Five minutes free at our desks for everyone in the building. Oh, it felt so great I just about fell asleep at my desk! I still feel all relaxed and kind of droopy.

The only problem is, now I want a nap!

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