All Over the Place - (2002-11-19, 6:39 a.m.)

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Just a quick one this morning. I have to coach agents at work today. Yay. Note the sarcasm.

Anyhow, I hope that if you had the opportunity to do so that you watched the meteor shower last night. It was just beautiful. There was one that I saw that was so bright I thought it was a plane until it burned up. And it was going pretty fast. I haven't ever seen a shooting star that large before. I wished on it that Dante would come home. He's an indoor/outdoor kitty that lives with my parents. He used to live with us but life is better at "Grandma and Grandpa's" house. So yes, I'm praying that he comes home. He's been gone for about a week.

Started work again last night at the jewelery store. I love it there, but I keep finding goodies that I want! Heh. Hubby has been told repeatedly that I want a pair of alexandrite earrings to match the pendant that I have my original wedding set diamond in. Alexandrite is his birthstone (June) and I've always loved that deep green color. So yes, I want more jewelery. Big surprise there!

There was this one woman who came in last night--I knew from the moment that she walked in that she wasn't going to buy anything. But she still had me spend about 45 minutes showing her all kinds of stuff.

Some people need more to do with their time. *sigh*

I did sell two men's wedding bands and a diamond solitaire to the cutest lesbian couple that I've seen in a long time. They were so incredibly sweet and cute. Very obviously in love. That was the highlight of my night!

It sounds like Mom and Dad aren't going down to New Mexico for Thanksgiving either. They still haven't processed Dad's retirement even though Mom sent the information that she sent in for the 401K was lost by the company. Registered mail and everything. It was signed for!

So needless to say, Dad hasn't gotten his bonus yet either. So no cash flow for my parents at all. Hubby and I are struggling to keep our heads above water, so we can't help either. Hubby's finally been made to understand *ahem* that he needs to get a job. I can't do it all by myself. We have Christmas to contend with, and even though I'm planning on making a great majority of the gifts this year, that still means that I need to find the time to do it!

I'm thinking homemade soup in a jar, and ornaments made from the pinecones that we picked up in the forest from Montana. I'll have to come up with some other stuff too. I just don't have time to make a whole lot of stuff. Maybe Denise will be able to help me out when she comes up to visit. She and her family will be here for the week after thanksgiving, and I'm totally excited!!!

I suppose, this entry has been kind of everywhere. I have a lot on my mind and it shows, right?

Happy Tuesday!

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