Carpet Cleaning Madness! - (2002-11-18, 6:59 a.m.)

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I swear, if I was pregnant I would guess that I'm nesting. LOL

I cleaned all the carpets in my house with the steam cleaner yesterday. Including the kitchen and bedroom twice as the water that came out of them was pretty black and full of sand. And I have a new house! Good grief.

For the rest of the week I'm planning on being the laundry queen--trying to wash all the curtains, bedding, blankets, and just about anything else that I can think of around the house that's washable.

I've started working part time for my jeweler friend to help out with his christmas sale. So that's going to keep me quite busy. Plus, I've gotten a lot of requests for custom designs. And thank you Candace for coming to the rescue last night when I was stumped! This is my latest custom design. I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Ms. Louise Brooks (in the picture) is a pretty classy woman.

One of our customers just booked their reservation in the name of Noname/Noname. Some people. Yeah, they're going to let you on the plane with THAT, sure they will! Lord. Some days I just wonder about the average intelligence of the general public.

Daisy followed me around the house all day yesterday. It was pretty funny at first, but when I was cleaning carpets it was getting a bit annoying--she was getting in the way. I tell you, she should be a lap dog with the personality that she has. She just can't get enough snuggles! She has gotten so spoiled she's sleeping on the bed now just about all the time, in between myself and Hubby or at the foot of the bed on my side. Yeah. We have a queen size bed, and a huge German Shepherd on the bottom makes Katress pretty cramped up at night. She's just a snuggle bug though. What a cutie.

Anyhow, I should get back to work. Thanks to each and every one of you that left me birthday wishes in my guestbook! That made my day. :)

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