To early for a mid-life crisis! - (2002-11-14, 7:05 a.m.)

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Well, my original intention yesterday was to add pictures from the Marine Corps Ball, but instead I made this.

I am so incredibly happy with how it turned out, and there were a lot of little fine tuning time consuming things with the design that you might not notice, but overall I must say that it's my new favorite that I've done custom for someone else. Tonight I hope to get started on one for Dory!

Complete subject change...

Yesterday was my 2 year work anniversary. I got balloons on the back of my chair and several cute emails from my coworkers. That was fun. My job is getting better, as we're working on new projects, but I truly miss just being a Quality Assurance Manager. There is a new class starting the beginning of December, so we're going to be some busy mo-fos. That, and the fact that we're two people short!

I haven't written about this yet as I'm still in denial, but tomorrow is my 27th birthday. I'm sooo not ready to be 27. I had a horribly hard time with 26. How did I get so old so fast??? Not that 27 is old, but it seems old with regards to how I feel mentally. Of course, I have bad depression days where it feels like I should be around 127, but most of the time I don't feel all that differently than when I was 22. Or even younger, depending on my mood.

It's a little early for a mid-life crisis though, right?

27. My God. That seemed so old when I was in college. Where did the time go?

At least I've accomplished something in my post-college years though. I've found 40 lbs. (ick ick!!!), gotten married (12/31/98), bought a house and the mortgage that goes with it, bought many cars and sold all but 3, have built a little furry family and am planning on having kids in the next 3-4 years or so, have a pretty good job even though I didn't finish my master's degree, and finally managed to love my hair. Yes, I have cute hair now and I didn't before. I'm also supporting my husband through college.

I guess I've accomplished something, but my God. 27.

Twenty-freaking-seven. What happened???

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