Stealing is Wrong! - (2002-11-12, 8:57 a.m.)

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Finally, back at home and at work. It was great to sleep in our own bed last night. Homer was all snuggly, and Daisy wouldn't leave me alone! She was great in the car both on the way out there and on the way back. Nine hours in a car is a long time for a person, not to mention a doggie.

We had so much fun. We went up into the mountains with Mike and Teri (Jeremy's parents) and it was just...indescribably beautiful. We saw so many deer. Herds and herds of them! I just love Jeremy's family. They're fantastic, but I wished that they lived closer so that we could see them more often.

I know I've said it before, but they were so insturmental in Hubby's growing up. Since his Mom wasn't around a whole lot, they were both there to provide a positive example to him. And I owe them for that, as they helped to make him into the wonderful guy that he is today.

The Marine Corps Ball was beautiful and fun. My dress got gold glitter all over everything (and all over everyone)and we had some delicious food and dancing the evening away. The only bad part about the whole night was that my fall jacket was stolen and my car keys with Hubby's dog tags from the Marine Corps and remote for my car starter were in the pocket. Shit shit shit. So from somewhere I need to get new keys for my car, Hubby's car, the house etc. etc. I have no clue how I will replace the remote car starter--it kind of defeats the purpose of having a remote starter on your car if you don't have the remote, you know? So I'm going to have to see how much all that garbage costs. And get a new fall jacket. *sigh*

In other news, my designs site has changed all around. I've found that people are ripping my stuff off and removing my I'm changing it so that I have to be emailed for the code. That will also prevent bandwidth stealing from the sites where I have my images hosted at.

I love designing, and it's so much fun to make people happy and make websites more beautiful, but at what cost to me? I don't think so. Don't steal stuff, it's not okay. All that I was asking for before was that my guestbook be signed to let me know what designs were where, and that was apparently to much to ask. It's not like I can't tell who's taken what by the hits that my site is getting...and then they aren't being properly fixed so that the links work, and so on and so on. I really didn't want it to come to that, but I check my email constantly, so there shouldn't be that much of a delay in me emailing information out.

So the moral of today is...

Stealing is wrong, whether it be a fall jacket or someone's custom work.

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