Billings, Day 2 - (2002-11-09, 2:01 p.m.)

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Billings is fun. We're having a great time! We all went to this dance club last night that had pink pool tables. How cute is that? Pink pool tables! I was just impressed by that for some odd reason. They were just cute!

We danced and the guys drank (I was sober driver) and just had a great time relaxing and talking about anything and everything. As the only woman there, I was included in on conversation.

God, I'm glad I'm a woman. I could never be a guy and have to deal with some of the things that they apparently have to. Heh.

The dance floor at this club was pretty cute and small too. It's all done up in an 80's theme and there's flowers and yellow dots (PacMan-esque) on the walls. The dj was pretty good and the dance floor lit up from underneath with yellow, red and blue lights. We just laughed watching some of the guys trying to be Rico Suave, and some of the girls trying to do the white girl shake.

I have to say, I can dance my ass off. Sober or not. I love to dance, and apparently I'm okay at it too as a dj in a club that I used to go to asked me to dance on the speakers there all the time.

Anyhow, so we had fun last night. :)

Today I've gone to get my hair done for the Marine Corps Ball tonight. It's very cute and it's going to look fantastic with my dress. We've already been taking pictures like crazy, so I'll be sure to have some posted here for all to enjoy. My dress is so slinky, and we're going to have so much fun!

I can hardly wait...

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