Day 1 in Billings, MT - (2002-11-08, 6:57 p.m.)

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We're having a wonderful time in Billings, MT. If there's any diarylanders that are in Billings and would like to meet up, please let me know!

It's beautiful here, but I was surprised at the amount of oil refineries (3) that are here. They leave a black haze over the city. It's really spread out here, and the traffic is worse than I expected it to be. Of course, we were going from downtown to the "Heights" area this evening about 5:30, that may be why. :)

Daisy is doing wonderfully, and was a super dog in the car on the way here. It took us about nine hours, and it was definitely a relief to get OUT of the car finally!

Jeremy's family is wonderful. His parents are as fantastic as I had hoped they would be. They have a beautiful house, and we're just having a great time relaxing and doing pretty much whatever we want to. That's what vacation is for though, right?

So yes, we're having a great time. The Marine Corps Ball is tomorrow night, and I'm super excited to go! I'll take pictures and be sure to post them as well.


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