Vacation to Montana - (2002-11-07, 10:00 a.m.)

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I'm just about all packed for our trip to Montana. Daisy, on the other hand, is not! I need to get her all packed up, and her blanket out of the dryer so that we can pack the car and go! Hubby's home early, so hopefully we'll be able to get an early start.

I'm excited, we haven't seen Jeremy for almost a year, and I've never met his parents. They were like surrogate parents when Hubby was growing up--his Mom wasn't around much so they watched Hubby and his brother and fed them, and sent them to football camp. And on and on. Things that Hubby's Mom wouldn't/couldn't afford. So yes, I love them already for taking care of him when nobody else would.

My designs are loved. Go look at this! That's my fall leaves design, and I'm so flattered that it's being used. It's simple, but to the point. And she finally posted my button on Beautify. So I'm happy. :)

I'll update as much as I can, but if I'm not able to, have a great weekend!

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