Retirement Party and Stuff - (2002-09-28, 8:09 a.m.)

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It's cold outside and starting to rain. But I have my soy oatmeal so I'm happy.

It's going to be one of those days I think. The other office is so behind that we've been helping out with their stuff since most of our stuff is already completed for the month's end. They're down about 200+ monitors, so we're trying to get them caught up, which at this point I think might be futile. But I'll sure try.

You know, I don't mind working on the weekend all that much. It's quiet and I seem to get more stuff done than I usually do--I think it's something to do with distractions, plus the fact that the guy that I sit next to is kind of interruptive. I like him, he's totally my work buddy, but I wish that sometimes he could notice that I'm in the middle of something and just not talk. Does that make sense?

Dad's retirement party actually went okay last night. His boss has been such a jerk about the whole thing and trying to screw him out of some vacation and just on and on. They just had an open house in the office, nothing super special. But his co-workers somewhere got him a 30 year anniversary pin from the original company that he worked for before they were bought out by the evil demons at Tyco. Yeah--the president? He's Dennis Koslowsky--the one that has been in jail on tax fraud and stealing from the company. It's just turning into a whole Enronesque deal. I'm glad he's done. Besides that, he was one of the best salesmen in the country for his previous company, and they cut his pay by $45,000/year. HELLO? He sells 2 million of stuff each year and had the biggest quota in the history of the company and they cut his pay? Whatever, it was time to get out.

So now he stays home and drives Mom nutso by not getting off her computer. He has his own, you know. But her's is "better." Heh.

Another member of my little team here had her baby yesterday. It was a boy at 10lbs 1 oz. Whoof! So I'm sending good labor vibes your way for certain. For a healthy and safe delivery too. Of course you'll be fine though, I have no doubt.

I want to learn how to make round edged tables and am having problems in adobe getting my image to do what I want. Argh!

And thinking about changing my layout again. I'm having way to much fun designing. :)

That's about it, have a great weekend!

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