Sunday Stuff - (2002-09-29, 7:56 a.m.)

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So early in the morning, and nobody is updating. *sigh* Oh well.

Last night I went out with some friends from work and played trivia at the bar. It was a lot of fun, and even though I'm a manager, I think everyone was okay with the fact that I was there. At least I hope they were. Fun stuff! I brought Hubby, so they all got to meet him too. :)

I went home from work yesterday and slept for 2 1/2 hours. Whoopsie! Guess I needed a nap, no?

Oh crap. There was something that I was going to write about today, and I completely forgot. Don't you just hate that? If I remember later, I'll update again.

One thing that I remembered that I was going to ask was where in the world does one find those cutesy old fashioned images like she has on her banner, or like she has used on her design. They are wonderful and I want to do a design with some! Old fashioned fifties type illustrations where everyone is happy and simple. Yes, that's what I want. I already have fonts to go with it, I just need images!

That's about it, if I remember what I was going to talk about, I'll update again.

last - next

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