One Year Later... - (2002-09-27, 6:51 a.m.)

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I got to talk on the phone with Tiff and April last night. It was kind of a surprise. I was just working on some photos that I want to make into designs eventually, and the phone rang.

They're both from the South, and it was fun to hear that musical accent again. I haven't really heard it since we moved away from Washington DC two years ago. They asked me if I thought they sounded "like a bunch of hicks" but they didn't.

Of course, where I'm from, we have the stereotype of all talking like they did in the movie "Fargo." Yeah, some people do, but most of us don't. Although I must admit that Hubby and I still get a giggle or two out of the local newscasters accents!

You know, I completely forgot about my one year diaryland anniversary. It was Tuesday. I've been here for one year. It seems like time has just flown by, and I've made so much progress in the last year it's kind of crazy.

From being diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder, getting a huge promotion, living through the whole impact of September 11th on the airline industry, and best of all, making a lot of new friends online. And getting much support from them. I did a kitty swap with her and am expecting visitors in the near future.

Yes, only good things have come from this. Definitely good things. :)

Have a fantastic weekend!

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