Wedding Announcement and Super Tired - (2002-09-24, 1:26 p.m.)

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I am so very tired. Didn't sleep last night at all. I can't remember the last time that I've been this tired.

I did in fact call into work to let them know that I wasn't going to be in today, but after about 8:30 AM I wasn't able to sleep anymore so I gave up and went into work about 11 AM. And I feel like hell. My kitties were cuddling with me even, and I still was not able to sleep. They were running around between 3 AM and 5 AM this morning, and I was launching pillows at them from the couch. Good thing I have a lot of pillows, as they were being pretty naughty. Whenever I would score a direct hit, they would give me this ugly look like "WHAT Mom???" Heh.


I've gotten some super exciting news today! One of my bestest girlfriends is getting married, and I get to be a bridesmaid! I love helping to plan weddings, and it's just so cool that she's getting married! I'm super duper thrilled about the whole thing, as her man is a fantastic guy.

So yes, it's been a day of ups and downs. But the whole wedding thing is way outweighing the amount of tiredness that I'm feeling. :)

I'm on a conference call right now, and am having a hard time keeping my thoughts coherent. I am not going to be participating as my sleep fogged brain is not able to give constructive feedback on calls.

And on a completely different note, Captain Ron, why do you keep yourself so anonymous? You're like an enigma. Do you keep a blog? What's the deal? You've definitely got me curious.

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