More good news! - (2002-09-25, 6:55 a.m.)

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Gosh you guys, am I that dull lately? Hardly any guestbook messages. ???

I got some more good news yesterday. Some of our friends that live down in Minneapolis are planning on moving back to my area this spring! I'm so happy about that, they have wanted to move back here for a few years, and now they're finally going to do it. Not to mention that I just love both of them, and all four of us have a great time together when they're up here visiting, and when we go down there to visit. So yay!

I'm feeling a bit better today. I kept it low key last night and went to bed...and slept like a rock. It felt so great, but I was NOT ready to get up this morning.

I finished a design for a friend, and it's totally the cutest thing that I've made. I'm sooo happy with it, and I hope that she is too. Hopefully I'll be able to load it up for her tonight and she'll have her new look tomorrow.

Hubby is getting sick now too. He was pretty pale this morning, and was having a hard time getting out of bed. He's a guy though, and in total denial that he's in fact getting sick. :) Men...God forbid that they take a day off or whatever and admit that they're not feeling all that well.

Anyhow, lots to do today at work, so I had better get going. I hope that everyone has a great day!

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