*Snort* - (2002-09-21, 10:14 a.m.)

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Well. I've made a discovery. DO NOT take benadryl while taking Zoloft. Bad stuff for your head, yo. And I think I have/had the flu. I'm still all tired, but not so achy as I was yesterday and the day before. I hate being sick. Good grief!

And my allergies. That's a whole nother story. I sniffle and snort like a freaking rhinocerous as I'm at a loss for what to take to make my nose and sinuses act normal.

In other news, we rearranged the living room and cleaned the carpets thoroughly with our new steam cleaner. Damn, it looks like brand new carpeting! Of course, I have light tan carpet throughout my house and it shows every dirty kitty and puppy footprint that has ever stepped on it. I'm in the process of washing all the blankets and curtains in the living room too, and hopefully will get the chance to clean more carpeting today. It gets pretty gross.

We got the cutest video in the mail yesterday. Thanks!!! For anyone that doesn't know, her daughter is the cutest thing! My Dad is her honorary grandpa as her husband lost his dad when he was younger. So...my Dad was just entranced with how cute this little girl is and how fast she's growing. He sat in the recliner and just giggled. My Dad! Giggled!!! It was awfully cute.

*snort* Oh, excuse me. My allergies are killing me. I need more tissue.

Ugh. I'm going to go wash more curtains.

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