Rain and Hail - (2002-09-19, 7:50 a.m.)

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I am so tired today. It's not a good thing. I have had a diet coke and some oatmeal to settle my stomach, and it's not working!

Anyhow. That's the least of my worries.

I had a great talk last night with Amy and I feel badly for everyone involved in the whole "love triangle." It's not easy for anyone. Shoot, the only one that I don't talk to on the phone is Greg! But...yeah. It's hard for everyone. I wish that there was something that I could do to take away pain and frustration for everyone involved. But unfortunately I can't.

Oh, and on a completely different note, Captain Ron, who the heck are you? I know you know of me from here but do I know you in person?

When I was on the phone last night it was hailing. Little white marbles falling from the sky. I asked Hubby to put the cars in the storage shed (we have no garage) but he said "eh, we're insured." Okay, but hail damage sucks. Trust me, I've fixed it before! Huge pain in the butt.

So yeah. Lots of thunder, lightning and hail. Freaky weather for a September evening.

We also left the windows open last night, so it was super cool in our room this morning. Hubby forgot the patio door open and it rained in like you wouldn't believe! Whoopsie. It was so cold that I had cats mashed against me all night and Simon crawled under the covers with me. He's so funny, but he purrs so loudly that he woke me up! What a geek.

I'm going to get up and walk around to try to wake myself up. I hate being tired!

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