Frustration - (2002-09-09, 10:11 a.m.)

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I am very agitated today.

I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's the fact that I work for the airline industry, and the anniversary of September 11th is coming up. I know my freaking company is having a potluck, but I don't feel that this is a reasonable way to "celebrate" something. Now is not the time to celebrate. Now is the time to remember, and to think of those that lost so much.

I remember where I was a year ago. I was still a phone agent for an airline specific website, and we thought one of our co-workers was kidding when she said that a plane hit the world trade center. I remember not being able to get onto or any other news website. They were having such heavy traffic that it was rare that you could get on at all.

Maybe this is why I can't sleep at night...?

I think it all comes down to the fact that I'm scared. I almost lost my job, and even though I got to keep my job, I got a 10% pay cut. Many of my fellow agents weren't as fortunate. There were about 80 people in my office that were "furloughed" which is office-speak for laid-off.

Anything would set me off today, I swear. Today is not a good day for me to be at work. I'm way to high-strung to have much contact with anyone today.

All I feel like doing is going home and making more designs for the design website that I'm thinking of putting up. Why not? I'm sure that someone will use them, I like making them anyhow, so what's the harm?

Maybe a bubble bath this evening will help me feel better.

Damn this PMS, damn this low medication dosage, and damn the fact that I can't sleep at night.

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