New Design - (2002-09-08, 3:29 p.m.)

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Well, I did it.

What do you think?

It's so strange looking at my diary and not seeing Simon up there on the top, but seeing this new image of an Orange Moon and a whole new idea.

Yeah, I've changed over the last year. I'm playing more with designs and understanding html. This is my first real design, but I was to "chicken" to put it up. Maybe that mysterious chicken person got me to. I'm not sure.

So, do you like it? :)

I have come a long way in the last year or so. I've been diagnosed with anxiety disorder and depression, I've gotten a super big promotion and a super big raise to go right along with it.

I've bought a new car and got Hubby a new Harley.

I'm working on making my marriage the way that it used to be.

I'm getting closer with my family, and keeping the current friends I have. I've made an unbelievable group of online friends. If someone would have told me before that I could make true lifelong friends on the internet, I would have told them they were full of it.

So yeah. Lots to think about over the last year.

All changes for the better.

last - next

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